Top 10 Amazing facts about our universe
The universe is so vast that it is very difficult to know the full range of its complexities. Humans can only scratch on the surface of its magnum opus, but whenever we do, we raise remarkable information and images, which are inspirational and trickling in equal measure. What we know, has become easily available to the public thanks to the major space exploration organizations, so here are the 20 most interesting facts of your reading pleasure.
1. When you look in the night sky, you are looking back in time
The stars we see in the night sky are very far from us, so far the light which we see, it takes a long time to travel in space to reach our eyes. This means that whenever we get out in the night and see the stars, we actually feel that they used to look in the past. For example, the bright star Vega is relatively close to 25 light-years away, so look at the light we left 25 years ago; While Betelages (pictured) is 640 light-years away in Orion's constellation, so the light left the star around 1370 during the hundred years of war between England and France. We still see other stars away, so we are seeing them deeply in their past.
2. Hubble telescope allows us to see billions of years in the past
The Hubble Telescope enables us to look at the distant objects in the universe. Thanks to this remarkable piece of engineering, NASA has been able to create some incredible images, one of which is the Hubble Ultra Deep Field. Created using images from the telescope of 2003 and 2004, the incredible picture shows a small patch of the sky in detail; It contains 10,000 objects, most of which are young galaxies, and back in time serve as a portal. In a photograph, we have been delivered in the past 13 billion years in the past 400 to 800 million years of the Big Bang, which is preliminary in the context of the history of the universe.
3. You can see Big Bang on your television
Cosmic Background Radiation is the Big Bang's Afterglow and Heat, 13.7 billion years ago, an important event that kick-start our universe. This cosmic echo is present throughout the universe, and surprisingly we can use the old-fashioned television set to get a glimpse of it. When the television is not tuned to a station, you can see black-and-white fuzz and clacking white noise, approximately 1% of this interference occurs after cosmic background radiation.
4. Sagittarius B has a large cloud of alcohol
Sagittal B is a huge molecular cloud of gas and dust, which floats near the center of Milky Way, 26,000 light years from Earth, 463,000,000,000 kilometers in diameter and surprisingly, it contains 10 billion-billion-liter alcohol. Vinyl alcohol in the cloud is far from the most fluid wave of the universe, but it is an important organic molecule providing some clues about how the building blocks before life-forms are produced.
5. Neutron stars are the fastest spinning objects known in the universe
Neutron stars are considered to be the fastest moving objects in the universe. Pulsar is a special type of neutron star that emits a ray of radiation which can be seen as a star of light like a star. The rate of this pulse allows astronomers to measure the rotation.
The fastest spinning known pulsar is Kachali-titled PSR J1748-2446ad, in which the equator is spinning at 24% light speed, which translates more than 70,000 kilometers per second.
6. Voyager 1 spacecraft is the most man-made object from Earth
The Voyager program launched two space shuttle, Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 in 1977. The probe has discovered the planets and moons of the outer Solar System in many decades and is now continuing its mission to travel through the heliosphere on the shores of our solar system and continue the journey in the interstellar space.
On March 20, 2013, Voyager 1 Solar became the first man-made object to leave Sethom and is now the most man-made object from Earth, which is currently far from 124.34 celestial units. In common words, this means approximately 1.15581251 × 1010 miles away. Applying it lightly is a long way from home.
7. Our galaxy can have 500 million planets capable of supporting life
Scientists searching for supernatural life focus on "Goldilocks planets"; These are such planets that come in the habitable zone of a star. The true state of life for the existence of planet Earth - its distance from the Sun means the temperature is right, the water can be present in the form of a liquid-solid and gas, and the right combination of chemical compounds is available to create complex life Has formed Other planets with similar characteristics are known as the Goldilocks planets.
8. There can be an infinite universe
This is more speculative than a fact, but many branches of mathematics, quantum mechanics, and astrophysics have reached the same conclusions: our universe is still one of many and we are actually present in a 'multiverse'.
How can this happen, it has different ideas, the concept of an atom that is capable of settling in a limited number of time and place methods, ultimately leading to events and people's repetition. Other theories offer bubble or parallel universes and or even bronvers that are beyond the reach of the dimensions we have experienced. Although these concepts seem like far-reaching ideas of science-fiction, they are really proving the most elegant solution to the problems thrown by our discoveries of the universe.
9. The human brain is the most complex object in a known universe
Our brains are a hundred billion neurons, with a quadrillion connection, are remarkably complex objects, and we still know very little about how this organic supercomputer operates. But we know that the human brain is the most complex thing we have yet discovered. It gives us the power to understand language and culture, consciousness, thoughts of ourselves, learning ability and the universe and reflecting our place within it. Even we have an inbuilt "model of gravity", which is very useful.
10. In 2029 an asteroid could hit the earth
According to astronomers, the greatest chance till now is to destroy a large asteroid that collides the Earth and to destroy life in 2029. The asteroids have already collided with the planet before, and have largely become the cause of extinction, so there are some examples of this happening again.
This time, the offender apophysis is an asteroid (99942 Apophis), which is going on in our path in 2029. Less than 3% chance this bad boy will crash into Terra Firma. Let's hope that Apophis gives the planet a miss, otherwise, you can stop paying in your retirement account right now.
Top 10 Amazing facts about our universe
Reviewed by Know It All on February 07, 2019 Rating:

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