Nikola Tesla 6 Inventions that never got built

Serbian-American engineer and physicist Nikola Tesla said that it seems that I have always been ahead of my time. While the eccentric inventor has made progress in the fields of the radio, television, motors, robotics, and electricity, including today's widely used alternative technology - they also offered more detailed ideas. Afterward, the six future visions have not yet arrived, either because of the boundaries of technology or market viability.
Earthquake Machine
In 1893, Tesla patented a steam mechanical oscillator that used to vibrate up and down at high speeds to generate electricity. After the years of his invention patent, he told the reporters that one day trying to tune his mechanical oscillator, the vibration of the building caused a vibration in his New York City laboratory, by which he shook the ground. During the trial, Tesla continued to turn on the electricity and heard a raucous voice. "Suddenly," she remembered, "all the heavy machinery of that place was flying all around, I grabbed a hammer and broke the machine. The building had come under our ears in a few more minutes." Police and ambulance on the spot Reached for a ruckus, but Tesla told his assistants that they should remain calm and tell the police that it was an earthquake.
Wireless Energy
In 1901, Tesla secured $ 150,000 from financier JP Morgan, who was able to make a 185-foot tall, mushroom-shaped tower on the northern edge of Long Island, which sent ships, telephony, and pictures to the ships within the ocean and in the Atlantic Ocean. Was able to send. Earth to conduct signals. As the work started on the structure, which is called the Wardencliffe Tower, Tesla, with its experiments on radio and microwave, wanted to customize it to allow wireless power delivery, so that it could produce millions of volts Can be able to illuminate New York City by communicating. Morgan, however, refused to give Tesla any additional funding for his grand plans. (Some people speculated that Morgan cut the funds because they realized that Tesla's plan would have crippled their other energy-sector holdings.) Tesla left the project in 1906 before it Could have been run at any time, and the Wardencliffe Tower collapsed in 1917.
Electric-Powered Supersonic Airship
Since Tesla was a boy, he was fascinated by the idea of flying. Combining his knowledge of electrical and mechanical engineering, he started thinking more about aviation after the failure of Wardencliffe. In an article of Reconstruction Magazine in July 1919, Tesla discussed his work on developing a supersonic aircraft that would go up eight miles above the surface of the Earth and create a speed that would allow passengers to travel between New York City and London in three hours. Will be allowed Tesla's concept asked the aircraft to operate power plants on the ground by wirelessly transmitted power, thereby eliminating the need for fuel to take the aircraft. Tesla said in the article, "The power supply is virtually unlimited because any number of power plants can be operated simultaneously, the energy supply to airplanes is done in the same way as trains running on tracks now Electricity is supplied with energy. "
Thought Camera
Tesla believed that photographing ideas could be possible. Inspiration came when he was experimenting in 1893, Tesla told a newspaper reporter decades later: "I believed that a certain image created in the thought would produce a related image on the retina, Which can possibly be read suitable equipment. "The inventor imagined reflecting an image on an artificial retina, take a picture and present the image on a screen." If it can be done successfully, then the objects imagined by a person can be clearly seen on the screen. Will be reflected as they become, "he said," and in this way, every thought of the person can be read. Our mind will be like open books.
Artificial Tidal Wave
Engineers and physicists believed that the power of science could be used to stop the war. In 1907, New York World reported on Tesla another military innovation in which wireless telegraphy would trigger the explosions of high explosives in the sea so that the tides of the tide become so huge that they shape the whole enemy fleet. The newspaper said that the wave of the artificial tide "will sailboats like boats, which kids float in the bathtub", and later claiming about the development of nuclear weapons, "Its horrors of universal peace The days are in haste. "
Death Beam
Tesla's creative mind has created new visions in his life lately. On his 78th birthday, he told The New York Times that he had come with this most important invention, the one who would "cause the millions of people to leave the dead in their tracks." Invention? A military weapon that will speed up the mercury particles at 48 times the speed of sound inside a vacuum chamber and will shoot a high-speed beam through "free air, so great energy that it [10,000] A fleet of airplanes will bring down. " 250 miles Although the press termed it "death beam", "Tesla believed that this is a" peace beacon "that will attack airplanes and attacking armies and save lives from acting" Like an invisible Chinese wall, only one million Many times more impenetrable. "Tesla offered several particle-beam weapons to many governments including the United States, but the only country to show interest was the Soviet Union, which conducted partial tests in 1939.
Nikola Tesla's 6 inventions that never got built
Reviewed by Know It All on February 06, 2019 Rating:

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