Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa 2 touched on the surface of Raiyugas on Friday - a one-kilometer-wide an asteroid whose cell in the orbit from time to time brings it closer to the Earth because it revolves around the sun.
And the investigation has already completed the first major step of its primary mission: collect small rock samples to send home.
After landing, Hayabusa 2 ran a metal shot in the rock and scanned some samples using its onboard "Sammon Horn". "
To start the communication after the shoot, the earth-bound team waited several hours while waiting for the spacecraft - the connection broke when the space shuttle contacted.
This is not the first time that the spacecraft has landed on Ryugu. It released two "Hoping" rovers in September last year for its first trip and the third rover on another mission in October.
The samples collected will then return to Earth in a special return capsule at the end of next year.
Robot Spacecraft on an Asteroid is just been landed by japan
Reviewed by Know It All on February 22, 2019 Rating:

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