What is Mnemonic?
A mnemonic (the first is "M" silent) device, or memory device, is any learning technique that helps in retaining or retrieving information (remember) in human memory. Mnemonics use detailed encoding, recovery cues and imagery as a specific device that allows for any information efficient storage and retrieval. Mnemonics assists basic information in getting connected with something more accessible or meaningful - which, in turn, provides better retention of information. Commonly encountered alphabet is often used for lists and in auditory form, such as short poems, dictionaries, or memorable phrases, but for other types of information and also the use of phonetics in visual or kinetic forms can be done. Their use is based on the observation that the human mind more easily remembers special, personal, surprising, humorous, physical, sexual, or otherwise "relative" information rather than more abstract or impersonal forms of information.The word "Mnemonic" is derived from the ancient Greek word μνομονι m (mnēmonikos), which means "related to memory, or memory," and it is related to Greek godmother Mnemosyne ("remembrance") in Greek mythology. These two words are derived from μνήμ, these (mnēm,), "remembrance, memory". In ancient times, the humanities were often considered the most, which is today known as the art of memory.
Ancient Greeks and Romans were distinguished between two types of memory: "natural" memory and "artificial" memory. The former is born, and that is what everyone uses in a natural way. In contrast, the latter is to be trained and developed through the learning and practice of various types of menonic techniques.
Mnemonic systems are techniques or strategies that are intentionally used to improve memory. They help in making use of information already stored in long-term memory to make memory easier.
Types of Mnemonic
1. Music of Music
Songs and jingles can be used as a pandemic. A common example is how children remember ABC singing alphabet.
2. Mantra (brief)
The first letter of each word is composed in a new word. For example: VIBGYOR (or ROY G BIV) for the colors of rainbow or HOMES for great lakes.
3. Expressions or words mnemonics
The first letter of each word is combined to create a phrase or sentence - eg. "Richard of York gave a futile battle" for the colors of the rainbow.
4. Model Pneumonia
A model is used to help remember the information. [Clarification needed]
5. Ond mnemonics
Information is kept in poetry or Dograel, such as note, social, origin, freedom, and Libertarian God of Revelation, as they keep Puar 'E (Most Latin nouns end the Latin nouns, In all the triple cases, except for practical, these are) exceptions).
6. Note organization mnemonics
Note The organization's methodology can be used as a memoir technique. [Clarification needed]
7. Image mnemonics
Information is built in a picture - eg German's weak declaration can be remembered as five '-ins', like the US state of Oklahoma, in the sea of '-en'.
8. Connection mnemonics
New knowledge is related to knowledge already known.
9. Spelling Science
An example is "I feel like a neighbor before or after the e or when the neighbor and weight".
So where did Mnemonic comes from?
The general name of memorabilia, or memoria technica, was the name applied to the devices to support memory, to re-associate the mind with relatively unfamiliar thoughts and especially a series of different ideas, or to By adding some artificial energies, the parts of which were mutually mutual. Mnemonic instruments were highly cultivated by Greek sophists and philosophers, and they were often referred to by Plato and Aristotle. In later times, poet Simonides was credited with the development of these techniques, perhaps in addition to any other reason his power of memory was famous. Cicero, which attributes great importance to art, but more important for the principle of order as the best help for memory, talks of Carnades of Athens (perhaps Chatdeses) and Metroads of CesepiÅŸ, as the specific examples of people Well-ordered images are used. Settling Such importance is given to the Romans in order to support the public speaking.
Linguistics of the Greek and Roman systems was established on the use of mental places and signs or pictures, which are known as "topical" glossaries. The most common way was to choose a big house, from which apartments, walls, windows, sculptures, furniture, etc., were associated with each of the names, phrases, events or ideas, through symbolic paintings. To memorize them, a person had to search only in the apartment of the house until they searched for the places where the images were kept by the imagination.
According to the said system, if it was desired to set a historical date in memory, then it was divided into a certain city in a certain number of districts, ten of them in each house, ten rooms in each house and each The room was one hundred hundred cave or monument, partially, partially on four walls, partially on the ceiling. Therefore, if it wants to date the date of printing of memory (1436), a fictional book, or some other symbol of the printing, then they will be kept in a four-fourth quarter or fourth-room memory-place. Except for the first house [citation needed] in the historic district of the town, that the rules of mnemonics are referred to by Martianus Capella, nothing more is known about the practice till the 13th century.
Between the voluntary writing of Roger Bacon, there is a Tract D Art Memorativa. Ramon Lull gave special attention to his RS General. The first significant modification of the method of the Romans was invented by the German poet Konrad Keltes, who used letters of the alphabet for associations, rather than places in Utramecic Cicaroris rathoricam, low art memorativa nova (1492) in his epitome. Regarding the end of the 15th century, Patras de Ravenna (B. 1448) incited such strange amazement in Italy with his strange tricks that he was considered by many as a Necromantron. His Phoenix Artis Memoria (Venice, 1491, 4 volt.) Went through many as nine volumes, the seventh to be published in Cologne in 1608.
About the end of the 16th century, Lambert Schenkel (Gazofylacionium, 1610), who taught mnemonics in France, Italy and Germany, likewise surprised his people by his memory. He was condemned as a sorcerer by the Louvain University, but in 1593, he published his track de memoria in duplication with the approval of that prestigious theological thesis. In 1619, his teacher, Martin Somer, published in Venice, has given the most complete account of his system in two works. In 1618, John Willis (d.1828?) Published Menmonica. sive ars resinsendi, in which there is a clear statement of the theories of topical or local mnemonics. Giordano Bruno incorporated a memoria technique in his treatise D umbris idearum, which is part of Llull's study of ars generalis. Other writers of this period are Florentine Publicis (1482); Johannes Romerach (1533); Hironimo Morphiet, Arce Memorial (1602), and B. Porta, Ars Riminsichindi (1602).
Stanislas Mink von Weinsein revealed in 1648 that he has called "the most fertile secret" in statistics - using dishes for data, thus expressing numbers by words (vowels added as necessary), so that the associations Can be remembered more easily. Philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz adopted the alphabet similar to Wencein for his plan to write all the languages equally.
Wennsshein's law was later adopted with slight variation from the majority of "original" systems. It was modified and supplemented by Richard Gray (1694-1771), a priest who published Memoria Technica in 1730. The main part of the method of gray is this:
To memorize anything in history, chronology, geography etc, a word is formed, in the beginning, in which the first thing is the first syllable or syllable, repeating repeatedly, surely it attracts after the later part , Which is then deprived as to answer. Thus, in history, Delusion occurred two thousand three hundred and forty eight years before Christ; It is indicated by the word Dell-Atok, Dell stands for Deloise and Itok for 2348.
(Their method is comparable to the Hebrew system by which the letters are also for points, and hence the word for dates.)
To help keep words in memory, they were built in memorial lines. Such weird words are not easy to remember, in the extension of hard hexometers. The vocal or dishes, which were associated with a particular shape of gray, were chosen arbitrarily.
Later, an amendment was made in 1806 Gregor von Finagal, who was a German monk from Salem near Constance. While living and working in Paris, he highlighted a system of characterization, in which the numerical data in the form (as Wensein) is represented by some similarities or letters chosen due to an accidental relationship with it. This alphabet was supplemented by a complex system of locals and signals. Feinaigle, who apparently did not publish any written document of this method, traveled to England in 1811. The following year one of his disciples published The New Art of Memory (1812), making Feinaigle's system.
Other mnemonists later published simplified forms, because more complex menemonics were generally left. The main methods established on the so-called laws of the Association (CF Mental Association) were taught with some success in Germany.
Reviewed by Know It All on December 27, 2018 Rating:

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