What is Antimatter?
Antimatter is the opposite of a normal substance. In particular, the sub-atomic particles of antimatter have opposite properties of normal matter. The electric charge of those particles is inverted. The antimatter was made with substance after the Big Bang, but the antimatter is rare in today's universe, and scientists are not sure why.
In order to better understand the antimatter, one should have more information about the substance. The substance is made of atoms, which are the basic units of chemical elements such as hydrogen, helium or oxygen. Each element has a fixed number of atoms: hydrogen contains an atom; Helium contains two atoms; And so on.
The universe of an atom is complex because it is full of foreign particles with the properties of spin and "taste" which are just beginning to understand the physicists. From a simple perspective, however, there are particles in atoms that are known as electrons, protons, and neutrons.
Origin of Antimatter
Almost all the objects seen from the Earth appear to be made of substances rather than antimatter. If antimatter-dominated areas of space are present, gamma rays generated in destructive reactions with a range between substances and antimatter areas will be able to detect.
Antiparticles are created everywhere in the universe where high-energy particles collide. High-energy cosmic rays affecting Earth's atmosphere (or any other substance in the Solar System), as a result, produce minute quantities of antiparticles in particle jets, which immediately end immediately after contact with nearby substances. They can arise in areas like the Milky Way and the center of other galaxies, where there are very energetic astronomical phenomena (primarily the interaction of relative jets with the interstellar medium). The presence of the resulting antimatter is detectable by two gamma rays, which each time destroys the position with the case. The frequency and wavelength of gamma rays indicate that each energy carries 511 kV (e.g., the rest of the electron multiplied by c^2).
The observation of the Integral satellite of the European Space Agency could explain the origin of a huge antimatter cloud around the Galactic Center. Observation shows that the cloud is odd and corresponds with the pattern of X-ray binaries (binary star systems which have black holes or neutron stars), on one side of most of the galactic center. While the mechanism is not fully understood, it is possible to include the production of electron-positron pairs, because ordinary matter receives kinetic energy during falling in a stellar residue.
Due to temporal inflation in the primitive times of the universe, antimatter can be present in relatively large quantities in distant galaxies. Antimatter galaxies, if they exist, then they are expected to have the same chemistry and general substance galaxies in the form of absorption and emission spectra, and their celestial objects will be equally identical, which will make it difficult to distinguish them. NASA is trying to determine whether such galaxies exist in search of X-ray and gamma-ray signs of destructive events in the collision of superclusters. Scientists working on BASE experiments in October 2017, CERN reported the measurement of antiprotonic magnetic moment for the accuracy of 1.5 billion per billion. This proton corresponds to the most accurate measurement of the magnetic moment (produced by the BASE in 2014), which supports the hypothesis of CPT symmetry. This measurement first shows that the property of antimatter is more accurately known than the equivalent property in the case.
Cost of Antimatter
Scientists claim that the antimatter is the most expensive material to make. In 2006, Gerald Smith estimated that $ 250 million can produce 10 mg of a positron (equivalent to $ 25 billion per gram); In 1999, NASA gave the figure of 62.5 trillion dollars per gram of antihydrogen. This is because production is difficult (only some antiproton particles are generated in the reaction in the accelerator), and because there is high demand for other uses of particle accelerator. According to CERN, some 100 million Swiss francs have come to produce about 1 billion grams (the amount used for the particle/antiparticle collision). In comparison, the cost of the Manhattan Project was $ 23 billion in inflation during 2007, in order to produce the first nuclear weapon.
Several studies funded by the NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts reveal that whether it is possible to use a magnetic scoop to collect the naturally occurring antimatter in the Van Alan Belt of Earth, and finally, Jupiter's Like the gas belt of giants, hopefully at less cost per gram.
Uses of Antimatter
There are practical applications in medical imaging in matter-antimatter reactions, such as positron emission tomography (PET). In positive beta decay, a nucleolus loses surplus positive charge by emitting a positron (in the same event, a proton becomes a neutron, and a neutrino is also omitted). Surplus positive charge nucleoli are easily made in a cyclotron and are widely used for medical treatment. Antiprotons have also been shown within laboratory experiments that some cancers have the ability to cure, as is the case for the use of ion (proton) at present.
Isolated and stored anti-matter can be used as a fuel for interplanetary or interstellar travel, as part of antimatter-induced nuclear pulse propulsion or redshift rocket such as other antimatter rocketry. Since the energy density of the antimatter is higher than the conventional fuel, the antimatter-fuel spacecraft will have a more thrust-to-weight ratio compared to the traditional spacecraft.
If the substance-antimatter collision occurs only in photon emission, then the entire rest of the particles will be converted into kinetic energy. About 10 percent of the mass of energy per unit mass (9 × 10^16 J / kg) is about 10 degrees, and about 3 orders of magnitude greater than nuclear power energy, today, were freed by using nuclear fission (about 200MeV) Fission reaction or 8*10^13 J / kg), and about 2 sequences of magnitude (6.3 × 10^14 J / kg for the proton-proton series, compared to the best possible results expected from fusion ). 1 kg antimatter with 1 kg of reaction will produce 1.8 × 10^17 J (180 petajoules) energy (mass-energy equivalent formula, E = mc^2), or approximately 43 megatons of TNT - slightly less than 27,000 kg Tsar Bomba Compared to yield, the largest thermonuclear weapon so far
Due to the nature of annihilation products, all the energy cannot be used by any realistic propulsion technology. While gamma-ray photons are a result of electron-positron reactions, they are difficult to direct and use to emphasize. In reactions between protons and antiprotons, their energy is converted into a relatively neutral and charged pion. Neutral pines in high-energy photons are destroyed almost immediately (85-lifetime life span), but the charged pines become more slowly decaying (with the lifetime of 26 nanoseconds) and magnetically for magnetic production Maybe deflected.
The charged onions eventually cause decay in the combination of neutrinos (which carry approximately 22% of the energy of the charged pion) and the combination of volatile charged moons (charged 78% of charged charge energy), muon then the combination of electrons, positron Decide in And neutrinos (cf. muon decay; Neutrinos take approximately 2/3 of the energy of the muon from this decay, which means that from the originally charged pins, the total fraction of their energy is converted from neutrinos to one passage or another 0.22 + (2/3)0.78 = 0.74).
Antimatter is considered a trigger mechanism for nuclear weapons. A major hurdle is a difficulty of producing antimatter in large quantities, and there is no evidence that it will ever be possible. However, the U.S. Air Force funded the study of the antimatter physics in the Cold War and began to consider its potential use in weapons, not just in the form of triggers but as explosives.
At the center of the atom, which is called the nucleus, is a proton (which has a positive electric charge) and neutrons (which have a neutral charge). Electrons, which usually have a negative charge, capture orbits around the nucleus. On the basis of being "excited" of the electrons, classes can change (meaning they have much energy).
In the case of antimatter, according to NASA, the electrical charge is reversed relative to the substance. Anti-electron (called positron) behaves like electrons but there is a positive charge. Antiprotons, as the name suggests, are protons with a negative charge.
NASA said that these antimatter particles (called "antiparticles") have been studied and studied in the Large Hadron Collider, such as CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research), in the Large Hadron Collider operated by CERN.
"Antimatter is not anti-gravity," said NASA. "Although it has not been experimentally confirmed, the current theory predicts that the antimatter treats like gravity as normal matter."
What is Antimatter? Most expensive thing in the world
Reviewed by Know It All on February 03, 2019 Rating:

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