The study of Ufology reports, visual records, physical evidence and other events related to unknown flying objects (UFOs). UFO reports are subject to various investigations by governments, independent groups, and scientists over the years. However, as a field, Ufology has been rejected by modern educationists and it is considered a pseudoscience.
The word is derived from the UFO, which is said in a short form, and suffix science, which comes from the ancient Greek λο (α (logiā), an initial form of this word, "An introduction to" by Ivan T. T. Sanderson. Can be found in the article of "Ufology", which was found in the February 1957 issue of Fantasia Universe Magazine (Volume 7, Number 2), which closed with this direct grief: "What we really need is Is it Another preliminary use of the word "Jee was an immediate establishment of a respectable new science." In 1958 speech was given at the inauguration of a UFO research organization, The Planetary Center near Detroit, Michigan, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, another Initial experiment, one of the first documented uses of the word "Ufology" can be found in the Times Literary Supplement from January 23, 1959, which states, "Take B, report and bureaucratic study which has been written about this shocking meeting which constitutes 'ideology'. "This article was written by Edward J. Ruppeltel of the United States Air Force (USAF) in 1951 to coincide with the term" UFO ". Eight years later was printed.
Historical background For Ufology
There are three traceable roots in the modern UFO mythology: "Mystery Airship" reported in the late 19th century in Western United States newspapers, "Fu Fighters" reported by Allied Airmen during World War II and Kenneth Arnold is seen by "flying saucer". Rainier, Washington, June 24, 1947. The UFO report was limited in comparison to "The Great Airshow Wave" and Arnold's vision compared to the post-war period: Notable cases include "ghost flyer" reports in Europe and North America. Several reports of "ghost rockets" in Scandinavia (mostly Sweden) from 1930 and May to December 1946. After watching Arnold in the late 1940s and early 1950s, media publicity brought the concept of flying saucers to the audience of the people.
As the public tilted in UFOs, with the number of views, the United States military began to pay attention to this incident. UFO explosion of the post-war era coincides with the Cold War and the Korean War. The US military feared that the Soviet airplane aircraft was probably developed from German technology, they were behind the sight. If true, then due to the sight the crafts were important for national security and required systematic investigation. By 1952, however, the interest of the official US government in the UFO began to diminish in the form of USAF projects, and sign and closing of the culmination, as well as the CIA's Robertson Panel, stated that there is no direct threat to national security in UFO reports. The official research of the government in UFO ended with the publication of the report of the Condon Committee in 1969, which concluded that the study of UFOs had received very little, in the last 21 years, and further extensive study of UFO sighting was inappropriate Was there. It also recommended the end of Project Blue Book, a special unit of the USAF.
As the U.S. government officially stopped watching UFOs, it became true for most of the world's governments. A notable exception is France, which still retains GEIPAN, formerly known as GEPAN (1977-1988) and SEPRA (1988-2004), which is a unit under French Space Agency CNES. During the Cold War, British, Canadian, Danish, Italian and Swedish governments have made every collected report of UFO sightings. The UK Ministry of Defense did not accept any new reports until 2010.
UFO organizations
United States of America
In America, hundreds of groups and associates interested in a number of UFO investigations, some of which have gained prominence on the basis of their longevity, size and researcher involvement with scientific reliability. The first important UFO research group in the Americas was the Ariel Phenomena Research Organization (APRO), formed in 1952 by Coral and James Lorenzen. The organization closed in 1988. The National Investigation Committee on Ariel Phenomena (NICAP), which was formed in 1957 and closed in the 1970s, was included in the Board of Directors, former director of the Central Intelligence Department and the first head of the Central Assistance Agency, VADM Rosko. H. Hillenkater was, at one time, the largest UFO organization in the country with several chapters. In 1957, brothers W. H. And J. a. Spulding established the Ground Saucer Watch, which became famous later, in 1977, when the group filed a lawsuit against the CIA under the Freedom of Information Act.
Two major UFO investigative groups active today are the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), which was established in 1969, and JFN Studies (CFOOS), which was established in 1973 by Allen Hynek. MUFON was developed as a key member of NICAP in the 1970s. CUFOS has tried to restrict its membership to established researchers but found very little academic approval.
The National UFO Reporting Center takes UFO reports and is operational since 1974.
United Kingdom
The British UFO Research Association (BUFORA) is the oldest of the active British UFO organizations. It locates its roots in the London UFO Research Association, founded in 1959, which was merged with the British UFO Association (BUFOA) to make BUFORA in 1964.
More information: Australian ideology
The Australian Flying Saucer Bureau (AFSB) and the Australian Flying Saucer Research Society (AFSRS) were the first UFO groups established in Australia, both of which were established in the early 1950s. American Center for UFO Studies (ACUFOS) was established in 1974 with links to American CUFOS. Other currently active Australian UFO groups include Victorian UFO Research Society (VUFORS), Australian UFO Research Network (AUFORN) and UFO Research Queensland (UFORQ).
Frei InterSamsemenschaften Für Grenz- und Geisteswischenchten und Ufolestudian (Free Community of Interests for the Border and Spiritual Sciences and Ufological Studies) (FIIGU is a non-profit, tax-paid organization established under the name mentioned. This organization was founded by Eduard Albert Meier ( Billy Meier) in 1996 with his headquarters located in Shamidruti, Switzerland.
Skeptic organization
More information: List of skeptics and skeptical organizations
Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSI), although not a UFO organization, has investigated various UFO cases and has often skeptical review of the incident in his publications in Skeptical Inquirer magazine. Established in 1976 as a committee for scientific inquiry of Paranormal (CSICOP) claims by Professor Paul Kurtz of Philosophy, the Committee is known for its member scientists and skeptics, such as Carl Sagan, Isaac Asimov, Philip J. Class, Ray Hyman, James Randy, and Martin Gardner. The Skeptics Society, established in 1992 by science-historian Michael Shermer, has also addressed the UFO issue in his journal Skeptic.
World UFO Day
World UFO Day is the day to gather people together and see the sky for the uncharted flying objects. The goal of the 2 July celebration is to raise awareness about Roswell's findings and to support governments in compelling "outer space aliens to tell the truth about worldly journeys". This day is celebrated in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, China, Thailand, Belgium, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Netherlands, South Africa, Taiwan, Turkey, Czech Republic, Australia, Spain, Korea. , Brazil, Italy, France, Nigeria, Finland, Austria, and Poland.
Project Blue Book
As a continuation of Project Sign and Project Grudge in 1951, USAF, Captain Edward J. Under the leadership of Ruiltel, Project Blue Book launched. Under Rooppelt, the collection and investigation of UFO sightings became more organized. The project released a series of status reports, which was declassified in September 1960 and made available in 1968. Project Blue Book was abated after the report of the Condon Committee in December 1969. Till then, 12,618 incidents were investigated, most of which were explained in traditional ways. 701 cases, about 6%, remained "unknown" Officially, the USAF concluded from the project that the incidents that were investigated were not a concern for national security and that there was no evidence that the sequences were classified as "unknown" They were due to the supernatural plane.
Reviewed by Know It All on February 09, 2019 Rating:

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