In the ongoing quest for the creation of an artificial human brain, UCLA scientists have taken a big step right now. While a real synthetic brain is still far, a team of chemical engineers, according to ZDNet, looks at the structure and electrical activity of some parts of the brain, how to develop self-assembly circuits.
This research is a pet project of UCLA's chemical engineer James Gimgssey, who announced that he wanted to make a synthetic brain in 2012.
"I want to make a synthetic brain," Jimjevsky wrote at that time. "I want to make a machine that thinks, a machine that holds physical intelligence ... such a system does not exist and promises to be the cause of a revolution that can be called a human revolution."
Gimzewski and his team found that a grid of tightly packed copper napkins on treatment with nitrates from silver seems to be seen that in one direction, increases in random directions, that the neurons found in a brain interconnect We do.
On the nuclear scale, the relation between silver nano-viruses is similar to that of the synapse, which are the junctions on which two neurons meet each other and transmit signals with each other. According to ZDNet, the way nano-viruses themselves have organized, it reflects structures that are popular during any MRI of the brain.
When the network of stars collides with an electrical signal, then nanowires seem to organize information as if the brain does all.
"When they all are united, they start talking to each other," Jimjewsky said to Zennet. "In a way, the entire circuitry is alive, in the sense that every part is talking to every other part. And there are ways in which we can establish stronger neuromorphic connections. "
Not Quite Yet
In spite of its 2012 announcement, Gimzewski now urges caution.
"It is dangerous to directly correlate things, this is a brain!" Gimzewski told Zennet. "It displays electrical properties which are very similar to the functional MRI of the brain, similar to the functional characteristics of the brain, and EEG patterns too."
Chemists Build A “Synthetic Brain” which can Stores Memories in Silver
Reviewed by Know It All on February 28, 2019 Rating:

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