White hole
In general relativity, a white hole is an imaginary area of spacetime, which can not be entered from the outside, although the substance and light can avoid it. In this sense, it is a reversal of a black hole, which can only be entered from outside and can not escape the material and light. The white holes appear in the theory of eternal black holes. In addition to a black hole area in the future, there is a white hole area in this type of solution of the equation of Einstein region. However, this area is not present for those black holes, which are made through the collapse of gravity, and there is no known physical process through which a white hole can be constructed. Although information and evidence regarding white holes are inconclusive, 2006 GRB 060614 has been proposed as the first documented event of a white hole.
Overview of the White hole
Like a black hole, White Hole has properties like mass, charge, and angular momentum. They attract the substance like any other mass, but objects falling towards a white hole will not actually reach the event horizon of white holes (though in the case of the maximum extended Schwarzschild solution, discussed below, In the past, the white hole event horizon becomes a black one. In future, the hole is the event horizon, so any object falling towards it eventually becomes black hole Will reach responsibility). Imagine the gravitational field without surface. Acceleration due to gravity is the largest on any body surface. But since the black hole lacks surface, acceleration increases rapidly due to gravity, but never reaches the final value, because in a singularity no surface is considered.
In quantum mechanics, black hole emits hocking radiation and therefore radiation (not mandatory) can come with gas with thermal equilibrium. Because a thermal-equilibrium state is time-overturned, Stephen Hawking argued that the reverse time of a black hole in thermal equilibrium is again a black hole in thermal equilibrium. This can mean that black holes and white holes are the same things. Hawking radiation from a simple black hole is then identified with white-hole emission. Hawking's semi-classical logic is reproduced in a quantum mechanical AIDS / CFT treatment, where a thermometer describes a black hole in the anti-die-space space, in a theory where its time is reversed itself.
Origin of the white hole
In 1964, the possibility of the existence of white holes was put forward by Russian cosmologist Igor Novikov. The prediction of the White Hole is done as part of the solution of the Einstein field equations, which is known as the maximum extended version of the Schwarzschild metric, in which the description of the eternal black hole is described. Charge and no rotation. Here, "maximally expanded" refers to the idea that there should be no "side" in spacetime: for any potential trajectory of an independent-falling particle (after a geodesic) in spacetime, this path It should be possible to continue arbitrarily in the future of the particle, as long as the trajectory strikes the singularity of gravity in the center of the inner black hole. In order to fulfill this requirement, it is found that in addition to the internal area of the black hole, which particles enter, when they fall through the event horizon from outside, then there should be a separate white hole interior area, which Allows us to extrapolate the trajectory outside the particles which the supervisor sees while standing away from the event horizon. For an outside observer who uses Schwarz-Schild coordinates, infalling particles take an infinite amount of time to reach the black hole infinitely in the future, while the exiting particles that the observer pass out, for an infinite time outward Traveling because the white holes crossed horizon infinitely. Past (though, particles or other objects experience only a reasonable time between passing the horizon and passing the external observer). However, there is no evidence of white holes. Black Hole / White Hole appears "eternal" from the perspective of the external observer, in that sense the particles moving out of the interior area of the white hole can pass to the observer at any time and the particles Which will reach the black hole. The internal area can pass the supervisor at any time.
Just as there are two separate internal areas of maximumly extended spacetime, there are two distinct external areas, which are sometimes called two different "universes", from the second universe, we have some potential in two internal areas. Particle trajectories allow extrapolation. This means that in the inner black-hole region, a mixture of particles falling from the universe (and thus a supervisor who fell from the universe, could be able to see the light which fell from the other), and In the same way the particles can enter the universe from the inner white holes region. All four areas can be seen in a spacetime diagram that uses the Kruskal–Szekeres coordinates.
In this spacetime, it is possible to come up with coordination systems, such as if you choose a hypersurface of continuous time (a set of points that all have coordinates at the same time, such as the separation of space in each point of the surface ), That place is called 'surface like space' and reflecting the curvature of that time, create an "embedding diagram", an embedding diagram showing a tube connecting two external areas Look, known as "Einstein-Rosen bridge." Or Shwarjaskil wormhole. On the basis of selection of hypersurface like space, Einstein-Rosen bridge can add two black hole event horizons in either universe (with points in the interior of the bridge, part of the black hole area of spacetime, or The two white holes in each universe are part of the horizon (white hole area with points in the interior of the bridge). From one universe to another, It is impossible to use the bridge to cross the universe, however, because it is impossible to enter a white hole event horizon from the outside, and entering a black hole horizon from any universe necessarily affects the singularity of the black hole. Will do
Note that the maximumly extended Schwarzschild metric describes an ideal black hole / white hole that is present from the perspective of external observers for eternity; A more realistic black hole that is formed from a broken star at certain times, a different metric will be required. When the infrared stellar substance is added in the diagram of a black hole history, this white hole removes the part of the diagram corresponding to the interior area. But because the equations of general relativity are time-reversible - they display T-symmetry - general relativity should also be allowed to re-time the reverse of "realistic" black holes that are formed from the collapse of matter. In the case of time, there will be a white hole which has existed since the beginning of the universe, and which then emits until it "explodes" and disappears. Despite the fact that such objects are theoretically permitted, they are not taken seriously by physicists as black holes, because there will be no such process which will naturally lead to their formation, they only Only then can they exist when they are created in the initial conditions. big Bang. In addition, it is estimated that such a white hole would be highly "fluctuating", if any small amount of matter fell from the outside to the horizon, it would prevent the detection of white holes, as far away The observers had seen, never able to avoid the gravitational radius of the white holes emitted by singularly.
The 1980s–present – Big Bang as the supermassive white hole
In the late 1980s, a view of the proposed black hole can be understood by putting some light on the nature of classical white holes. Some researchers have proposed that when a black hole is formed, there can be a big bang in the core, which will create a new universe which spreads out of the original universe.
The Einstein-Carton-Sibma-Kibbell theory of gravity provides general relativity to Torsion tensor by removing the symmetry of the symmetry relationship and about its antisemitic part, the dynamic variables in the form of dynamic variables. Torsion is naturally for the quantum-mechanical, inner angular momentum (spin) of matter.
According to general relativity, the gravitational collapse of a compact mass creates a singular black hole. In Einstein-Carton theory, however, the minimum coupling between torsion and Dirac spinners produces a repulsive spin-spin interaction that is important in the fermionic matter at extremely high density. This kind of conversation prevents the formation of a gravitational singularity. Instead, the material collapsing on the other side of the event horizon reaches a large but finite density and rebellion, creating a regular Einstein-Rosen bridge. The other side of the bridge becomes a new, growing baby universe. For observers in the infant universe, the original universe appears as the only white holes. Accordingly, the observable universe is the Einstein-Rosen interior of a black hole, which is probably present as one of many inside a large universe. The Big Bang was a redundant Big Bounce, on which there was a finite, minimal scale factor in an observable universe.
A 2012 paper argues that the Big Bang itself has a white hole. It further states that the emergence of a white hole, which was given the name of 'Small Bang', is spontaneous - the whole case has been thrown out on the same pulse. Thus, unlike the black hole, the white hole cannot be seen continuously - but its effect can only be detected around the event. The paper also proposed to identify a new group of gamma-ray which had white holes. The idea of the Big Bang manufactured by a superhuman white hole explosion was recently discovered in the paper by a five-dimensional vacuum structure by Madrigues Aguiler, Moreno and Bellini.
White hole
Reviewed by Know It All on January 24, 2019 Rating:

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