Immortality is eternal life, free from death, unequal existence Some modern species can have biological immortality.
Some scientists, prophets, and philosophers have given the theory about the immortality of the human body, some have suggested that human immortality can be attained in the first few decades of the 21st century. Other advocates believe that life extension is a more achievable goal in the short term, in which further research with immortality is waiting for successes. The absence of aging will provide human immortality, but is not incapable of death due to illness or physical trauma; However, uploading a mind can be solved if it is possible. Whether the process of internal endoimmortality in the coming years depends primarily on the research in the pre-scene (and neuron research in case of endoimmortality via an Americ cell line) or perhaps in the latter case is a long-awaited goal.
In religious contexts, immortality is often said to be one of the promises of God (or other gods) to humans who show goodness or follow divine law. What an uneven human life will take, or what an intangible soul exists and near immortality, is the key point of focus of religion, as well as the subject of speculation and debate.
Definitions of Immortality
The scientific definition of Immortality
Life extension technologies promise a path to complete rejuvenation. Cryonics convinces the hope that after the progress of sufficient medical progress in the future, the dead can be revived. However, as shown with organisms such as hydra and planetary insects, being biologically immortal to the organism is actually possible, it is not known whether it is possible for humans.
Mind uploading is the transfer of states that provide equal functionality to an alternative medium from the human brain. Considering the process as possible and repeatable, it will provide immortality to calculate the original brain, as predicted by predecessors such as Ray Kurzweil.
Faith is a fundamental principle in the life of most religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism, Islam, Judaism, and Baha'i Dharma; However, there is no concept of immortal soul. "Soul" has different meanings and in the same way it is not used in different religions and in different religions of one religion. For example, in various branches of Christianity there are disagreeable thoughts about the immortality of the soul and its relationship with the body.
Way to Achieve Immortality
Life-extending substances
There are some naturally occurring and artificially produced chemicals that can increase the life or life expectancy of a person or an organism, such as Reservatrol.
Some scientists believe that increasing the amount or proportion of telomeres in the body, a naturally occurring enzyme that helps maintain a protective cap at the ends of chromosomes, can prevent cells from dying and therefore ultimately expanded, Can be a healthy lifetime. A team of researchers from the Spanish National Cancer Center (Madrid) examined the hypothesis on rats. It was found that the mice who were genetically engineered were 50% taller than normal mice of the normal level of telomeres, 10 times.
Under normal circumstances, without the presence of telomeres, if a cell is divided frequently, then at some point all ancestors will reach their haifal limits. With the presence of telomerase, each split cell can change the lost bit of DNA, and any single cell can then be split without division. Although this uninterrupted development property has excited many researchers, care is taken in the exploitation of this property, because in the same way, further growth is an important step in enabling cancer development. If an organism can repeat its body cells rapidly, then it will theoretically prevent aging.
Embryonic stem cells express the telomerase, which allows them to divide and make them repeatedly. In adults, telomerase is expressed highly in those cells which need to be divided regularly (i.e., in the immune system), while most somatic cells only express it at a very low level in the cell cycle depending on it Are there.
Technological immortality, biological machines, and "swallowing the doctor"
Nanotechnology, emergency room process, genetics, biological engineering, regenerative medicine, microbiology, and others: There is a possibility of technological immortality for the possible lifetime of scientific progress in different fields. Contemporary life span in advanced industrial societies has already been long marked for better nutrition, health care availability, living standards and biological medical progress. Technical immortality predicts further progress for similar reasons in the near term. An important aspect of the current scientific thinking about immortality is that some combination of human cloning, cryonics or nanotechnology will play an essential role in extreme life span. Robert Fritts, a nanorobotics theorist, suggests that small medical nanorobots can be made to go through human blood flow, to find and destroy dangerous things like cancer cells and bacteria. [26] Frytas estimates that gene therapy and nanotechnology will ultimately enable the human body effectively to remain indefinitely in self-sustaining and vacant space, which is less than severe brain trauma. It supports the theory that we will be able to make biological or synthetic replacement parts continuously to replace damaged or dying people. Future progress in nanomedicine can lead to life expansion through the repair of many processes considered to be responsible for aging. K. Eric Drexler, who is one of the founders of nanotechnology, posted cell repair devices, which used to work within the cell and used as a fictional biological machine in the 1986 book Engine of Creation. Raymond Kurzweil, a Futurist and Transhumanist, has said in his book The Singularity Is Near, that he believes advanced medical nanorobotics can fully measure the effects of aging by 2030. [27] According to Richard Feynman, this was his former graduate student and ally, Albert Hibbs, who originally suggested to him (about 1959) that the idea of medical use for Feynman's theoretical microlaminations (see biological machine) is considered. Hibbs suggested that some repair machines can be reduced to one day's size, which can be possible in theory (as Feynman said) "swallow doctor". This idea was included in Feynman's 1959 essay. There is plenty of room on the bottom.

Mind-to-computer uploading


What is Immortality and How to achieve Immortality
Reviewed by Know It All on January 14, 2019 Rating:

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