5 scariest mental disorders
only a few percents of people are forced to live with the disorders described below, the fact is that 450 million people worldwide suffer from mental illness. In the United States alone, one of the four families is affected. While some mental disorders, such as depression, can occur naturally, are the result of other brain trauma or other injuries. Although it is fair to say that it can be scary for people suffering from any mental illness, there are some rare disorders which are especially dangerous. Below, Let's talk about the 5 most scary mental disorders of all time.
1.) Cotard Delusion
Cotard delusion is a rare mental illness in which the affected person believes that they have already died, are not present, are confirming, or have lost their blood or internal organs. Statistical analysis of hundred-patient cohorts indicate that self-denial is the symptom present in 45% of Cotard's syndrome cases; 55% of the patients are confused with immortality.
In 1880, neurologist Jules Cortard described the situation of Le Dealer des Negations ("The Delirium of Navigation"), which is a psychiatric syndrome of various severity. In a mild case, there is characteristic of despair and self-reproach, whereas neglect in a serious case and chronic psychiatric disorder is characterized by deep delusion. In the case of Mademoiselle X, a woman has been described, who denied the existence of some parts of her body and the need for eating. He said that he was condemned to eternal damn and therefore he can not die in a natural death. During the suffering of "The Delirium of Negation", Mademoiselle X died of starvation.
Cotard delusion is not mentioned in the 10th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) of mental diseases or the International Statistical Classification of World Health Organization and Related Health Problems (ICD-10).
2.)Capgras Delusion
Capgras delusion is a psychiatric disorder in which one person is confused that a friend, spouse, parent or other close family members (or pet) of the family has been replaced by similar impotence. Capgras delusion is classified as an illusion misidentification syndrome, a class of beliefs of confusion that includes the wrong identities of people, places or objects. It can be in acute, transient or old forms. In cases where the patient believes that time has become "distorted" or "replaced".
Confusion is usually done in individuals diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, but brain injury, dementia with Levi bodies, and other dementia have also been observed. It often presents individuals with a neurodegenerative disease, especially at an older age. It has also been reported as being with diabetes, hypothyroidism and migraine attacks. In a different case, the capgras delusion was temporarily induced in a healthy subject by the drug Ketamine. It happens more often in women, with a woman: male ratio of approximately 3: 2.
Erotomania has been listed as a subtype of an illusion disorder in DSM-5. It is a relatively abnormal paranormal situation that is caused by the confusion of another person of another person who is infected with them. This disorder is most frequently seen (though especially in female patients) who are shy, dependent, and sexually inexperienced. The object of delusion is usually a male which is unrecoverable due to high social or financial status, marriage or indifference. The object of passion can also be imaginary, the deceased or the patient who has never met. Confusion of references is common because individual people often believe that messages are being sent through informal events with secret testimonials such as viewing license plates from specific states. Generally, erotomania starts suddenly, and the course is outdated.
4.)Clinical Lycanthropy
Clinical Lycanthropy is defined as a rare psychiatric syndrome, which includes an illusion that the affected person may turn into, or is a non-human animal. Its name is linked to the legendary position of Lycanthropy, a supernatural sorrow in which man is asked to shape physically into wolves. This is a rare disorder.
5.)Alien hand syndrome
Alien Hand Syndrome (AHS) or Dr. Strangelov syndrome is a condition in which a person experiences his organs acting on their own, without control over actions. This term is used for various diagnostic situations and it usually affects the left hand. There are many similar names used to describe different forms of the situation, but they are often used improperly. The victim may occasionally have access to the objects and can manipulate them without having to do so, even to the point of using a controllable hand to control foreign hands. Under normal circumstances, in the form of thought, intent, and action can be considered to be deeply entangled, the usefulness of the case of an incident in foreign hands reflecting a functional "dissatisfaction" between thought and action. Can be conceptualized.
Alien Hand Syndrome is best documented in those cases, where two hemispheres of a person's brain is separated by surgery, a process that sometimes relieves symptoms of extreme cases of epilepsy and epilepsy Used to get, for example, temporary lobe epilepsy. It occurs in some cases even after brain surgeries, stroke, infections, tumors, aneurysms, migraines and specific degenerative brain conditions such as Alzheimer's disease and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Other areas of the brain that are associated with Alien Hand Syndrome are frontal, occipital and parietal lobes.
The Most Scariest Mental Disorders
Reviewed by Know It All on January 31, 2019 Rating:

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