A bright, bright star explodes in one corner of the night sky - it was not a few hours ago, but now it burns like a beacon.
That bright star is not really a star, at least not anymore. The glorious point of light is the explosion of a star that has reached the end of his life, otherwise known as the supernova.
Supernova can summarize entire galaxies briefly and can transmit more energy over our Sun throughout our lifetime. They are also the primary source of heavy elements in the universe. According to NASA, the supernova is "the biggest explosion in space".
observations History Of Supernova
Many people had recorded Supernova long before the invention of the telescope. The oldest recorded supernova is RCW 86, which Chinese astronomers saw in A.D 185. His records show that this "guest star", according to NASA, remained in the sky for eight months.
According to Encyclopædia Britannica, there are only seven recorded supernovae at the beginning of the 17th century (when the telescope was available).
What we know today as the Crab Nebula is most famous in these supernovas. Chinese and Korean astronomers recorded the star explosion in their record in 1054, and Southwestern Americans found it (according to rock paintings seen in Arizona and New Mexico). The supernova that formed the Crab Nebula was so bright that astronomers could see it during the day.
Another supernova 393, 1006, 1181, 1572 (studied by the famous astronomer Tycho Brahe), and the first seen in the invention of the telescope, occurred in 1604. Brahe wrote about the comments of "new stars" in his book "De Nova Stella". "Who gave birth to the name" Nova "." A Nova is different from supernovae, though. Both are sudden outbreaks of glare because hot gases fly outwards, but for a supernova, the explosion is catastrophic and according to the Encyclopædia Britannica, indicates the end of Star's life.
Until the 1930s the word "supernova" was not used. It was first used in Mount Wilson Observatory by Walter Baade and Fritz Zwicky, who used it in connection with an explosive event called S Andromeda (also known as SN 1885A). It was located in Andromeda Galaxy. They also suggested that supernovae occur when ordinary stars fall into neutron strings.
In the modern era, one of the more famous supernovae was from the SN 1987, which is still being studied by astronomers because they can see how a supernova develops in the first few decades after the explosion.
Death of the star
On average, in a supernova galaxy, once every 50 years, the size of the Milky Way will be. Put another way, a star explodes every other or somewhere in the universe, and some of them are not far from the Earth. About 10 million years ago, a group of supernovae created a "local bubble," 300-light-year long, peanut-shaped gas of gas in the interstellar medium, which surrounds the solar system.
How exactly a star dies depends on its mass. Our Sun, for example, does not have enough mass to explode in the form of a supernova (although news for Earth is still not good, because once the sun emits from its nuclear fuel, perhaps in a two billion years, It will be hilarious in a red giant, which will probably steam our world, gradually before cooling down into a white dwarf) But with the right amount of mass, a star can burn in a vivid explosion.
One star can be a supernova in one of two ways:
Type I Supernova: Star collects case from neighboring neighbors until a fugitive nuclear reaction is ignited.
Type II supernova: Star emerges from atomic fuel and collapses under its gravity.
Type II supernova
Let's look at the more exciting type II first. To detonate the type II supernovae for a star, it should be many times heavier than the sun (estimates run from eight to 15 solar masses). Like the sun, it will eventually get out of hydrogen and then helium fuels. However, there will be enough mass and pressure to fuse the carbon in it. What happens next here:
Slowly heavy elements are formed in the center, and it gets leveled like an onion, in which the element gets lighter on the outside of the star.
Once the star's core exceeds a certain mass (Chandrasekhar border), then the star begins to trap (for this reason, these supernovas are also called core-fall supernova).
The core gets hot and becomes dense.
Eventually, the transplant bounces back from space, exits the stellar material in space, which creates a supernova.
What is left is an ultra-intricate object called a neutron star, a city-shaped object that can pack the mass of the sun into a small space.
Type II are sub-categories of supernovas, which are classified based on their light curves. Type II-L supernova lightens rapidly after the light eruption, while the type II-P's light remains stable for some time before it is diminished. Both types of hydrogen signatures are in their spectra.
Compared to the sun, too large (about 20 to 30 solar masses) stars can not explode in the form of supernovae, astronomers think. Instead, they collapse to make black holes.
Type I supernova
Type I Supernova lacks hydrogen signature in their light spectra.
Type Ia supernovas are usually thought to originate from white dwarf stars in a close binary system. As the companion gas gets deposited on the white dwarf, the white dwarf progressively becomes compressed, and finally closes an unfriendly nuclear reaction which ultimately leads to a catastrophic supernova outbreak.
Astronomers used Ia supernova as the type standard to measure the temporal distances because everyone is believed to blast their peaks with the same brightness.
Type II and supernova are also similar to those of type II supernova, but they have lost most of their outer hydrogen envelopes. In 2014, scientists detected an unconscious, hard-to-find fellow star for a type IB Supernova. This finding took two decades because the companion star was much fainting as compared to the bright supernova.
Reviewed by Know It All on January 29, 2019 Rating:

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