Higgs boson (God Particle)
Higgs boson particle is a primary particle in the standard model of physics, which is one of the areas of particle physics theory by Quantum stimulation of the Higgs field. Its name has been named after physicist Peter Higgs, who in 1964, along with five other scientists proposed the mechanism, in which the existence of such particles was suggested. Its existence was based on conflicts in LHC in CERN by ATLAS and CMS collaboration.
On 10 December 2013, two of the physicists, Peter Higgs and FrançoAngelart were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for their theoretical predictions. Although the name of Higgs is associated with this theory (Higgs mechanism), but between 1960 and 1972, many researchers independently developed various parts of it.
In the mainstream media, Higgs boson is often called "God Particle", from a 1993 book on this topic, although the nickname is strongly disliked by many physicists, including Higgs, who consider it sensationalistic(Mass media is a sensational editorial bias in which events and news stories and pieces are overheated to present a biased impression on events, which can manipulate the truth of the story).
Introduction to Higgs boson (God Particle)
Standard model
Physicists have interpreted the properties of forces and forces between primary particles in the context of standard models - except for gravity, a widely accepted framework for understanding almost everything in the known universe. (A different principle, general relativity, is used for gravity.) In this model, the fundamental forces in nature arise from the properties of our universe, which are called gauge invarian and symmetries. The forces are transmitted by particles known as gauge bosons.
In the standard model, the Higgs particle spin is a boson with zero, there is no electric charge and no color charge. It is also very unstable, almost immediately decay in other particles. Higgs field is a scalar region, which has two neutral and two electrically charged components, which make a complex duplication of weak isotopine SU (2) symmetry. The Higgs area has the capacity to "shape the Mexican cap". In its ground condition, this causes the area to be a nonzero value (including otherwise empty space) everywhere, and as a result, under a very high energy it breaks down the weak isofin analogy of electrocake interaction. (Technically, the non-zero anticipation value translates the Yukawa coupling of Langrangian to a large scale.) When this happens, three components of the Higgs field by SU (2) and U (1) Gage Dawson ("Higgs") ) "Mechanisms") to become the long-term long-wands of the weak force and the longitudinal components of Z. Boson. The remaining electrically neutral components either appear in the form of Higgs particles, or separate pairs Can be known in the form of particles which are known as fermions (through Yuka Coupling), from which they are also obtained on a large scale.
Problem of gauge boson mass
Field theories were used with great success in understanding the electromagnetic field and strong force, but around 1960, all the weaker forces (and the fundamental forces, combining it with electromagnetism, were trying to create gauge interactive theory) Electrocooking interaction was consistently failed, resulting in controversy as a result of the gauge principles. The problem was that the requirements of homogeneity in gauge theory predicted that both gauge boson (photon) and weak force gauge boson (W and Z) of electromagnetism should have zero mass. Although the photon is actually massless, experiments show that the weak force has a mass in the boson. This meant that either gauge invisibility was a wrong approach, or some other - unknown - was giving its mass to these particles, but all efforts to suggest a theory capable of solving this problem were just new theoretical issues Seemed to make.
In the late 1950s, physicists "had no idea" How to solve these issues, which were important obstacles to developing a complete theory for particle physics.
Breach of symmetry
By the early 1960s, physicists had realized that following a given symmetry law should not always be done under certain conditions, at least in some areas of physics. It is called symmetry breaking and was recognized by Yichiro Nambu in the late 1950s. Breakdown of homogeneity can lead to surprising and unpredictable consequences. In 1962 physicist Philip Anderson - a specialist in superconductivity - wrote a paper, considered to be a breakdown of symmetry in particle physics, and suggested that it may be necessary to break the necessary motivation to solve the problem of gauge invariants in particle physics. If electromax symmetry was breaking in some way, it could explain why the boson of electromagnetism is massless, yet the weak force is mass in the boson and resolves the problems. After some time, in 1963, it was shown to be theoretically possible for at least some limited cases.
Higgs mechanism
After the 1962 and 1963 papers, three groups of researchers independently published 1964 PRL homogeneous breaks with similar findings: If an unusual type of field was present in the universe, and in fact, some fundamental electrochemical symmetry Conditions for "will be broken". The particles will acquire mass. The area required to do this (which was purely fictional at that time) is known as Higgs Field (after Peter Higgs, one of the researchers) and due to the mechanism that led to breaking the homogeneity, Which is known as the Higgs mechanism. A key feature of the required field is that there will be less energy in this field to keep the non-zero values from zero value, as opposed to all other known regions, therefore, the Higgs field has a zero-zero value (or vacuum expectation) everywhere. This was the first motion that was able to show how weak force gauge boss can be large-scale within theory at a distance of yards, despite the homogeneity of their rule.
Although these ideas did not receive much initial support or attention, till 1972 they evolved into a broad theory and proved capable of delivering "sensible" results, which used to accurately describe known particles at that time, and which are extraordinary With accuracy, many other predicted particles were discovered during the following years. During the 1970s, these theories rapidly became standard models of particle physics. There was no direct evidence that the Higgs field was present, but without the field proof, the accuracy of its predictions prompted the scientists to believe that the theory could be correct. Whether or not the Higgs area had existed until the 1980s, and therefore the entire standard model was correct, this question was considered as one of the most important unanswered questions in particle physics.
Higgs Field
According to the standard model, an area of the required type (Higgs field) is present throughout the space and some symmetry of electrocoke interaction breaks the laws. Through the Higgs mechanism, this field causes massive gauge bosons of weaker force at all temperatures below a higher high value. When weak forces receive the boson mass, it affects their threshold, which becomes very small. [F] Apart from this, it was later realized that the same area will also explain in a different way, why the other fundamental constituents of matter (including electrons and quarks) are mass.
For many decades, scientists had no way of determining whether the Higgs area existed, because at that time the technology needed to identify it was not present. If the Higgs field was present, it would be contrary to any known basic field, but it was also possible that these major ideas, or even the entire standard model were somehow wrong. [g] Only it shows that Higgs boson and hence Having the Higgs field solved the problem.
Contrary to other known areas like electromagnetic field, the Higgs field is the scalar and zero has a zero-zero fixed value. The existence of the Higgs area became the last unverified part of the standard model of particle physics, and for many decades, "central problem in particle physics" was considered.
The presence of the field, which has now been confirmed by the experimental investigation, explains why there is mass in some fundamental particles, despite the symmetry controlling their interactions, it explains that they should be mass. It also solves many other long-standing riddles, such as the reason for the extremely short range of weaker forces.
Although the Higgs area is non-zero everywhere and its effects are omnipresent, proving that its existence was far from easy. In principle, it can be proven by detecting its stimuli, which appears in the form of Higgs particle (Higgs boson), but it is very difficult to produce and find out. Due to the importance of this basic question, 40 years were discovered, and one of the most expensive and complex experimental features in the world, Carn's Large Hadron Collider, Higgs Boson and in an attempt to create other particles for observation and study. Gaya. . On July 4, 2012, a new particle was discovered with a mass between 125 and 127 GeV / c2; Physicists suspected that it was Higgs boson. Since then, the particle has been shown by the standard model to behave, negotiate and decay for the Higgs particles in many ways, as well as the equality and zero spin, two Higgs bosons, two fundamental properties. It also means that it is the first primary scalar particle discovered in nature. According to 2018, In-Depth Research has continued to treat the particle in accordance with predictions for standard model Higgs boson. To verify this with greater accuracy, more study is required that all properties in the discovered particle have been predicted, or what, as some principles describe, there are many Higgs bosons present.
Higgs boson
The hypothesized Higgs mechanism made many precise predictions, however, in order to confirm its existence, there was an extensive search of a matching particle - "Higgs boson" Higgs boson was difficult to detect because it was necessary to produce energy and even if energy was sufficient. It was so many decades before the first evidence of Higgs boson was found. It took 30 years (1980-2010) to develop particle collars, detectors, and Higgs bosons capable of developing computers.
By March 2013, the existence of Higgs boson was confirmed, and therefore, the concept of some type of Higgs field is strongly supported throughout the space. Using more data collected on LHC, the nature and properties of this area are now being examined.
Various metaphors have been used to describe the Higgs area and the boson, which include analogs with famous symmetry-effects such as rainbow and prism, electric field, wave, and resistance to macro objects run through the media ( Like people pass through the crowd or some things run through syrup or jag). However, analogs based on simple resistance to speed are incorrect, because Higgs does not work by opposing field speed.
The significance of Higgs boson (God Particle)
particle physics
Standard model recognition
Higgs bosson validates standard model through mass mechanism. As its properties are more accurate, more advanced extensions can be suggested or excluded. Experimental means and interactions are developed to measure field behaviors, this basic area can be understood better. If the Higgs field was not discovered, then the standard model will need to be modified or streamlined.
In relation to this, a belief is generally present among physicists that there is a possibility of "new" physics beyond the standard model, and the standard model will expand or elaborate at some point. Higgs search, as well as many measured collisions in LHC, provide physicists with a sensitive tool to parse the data, where the standard model fails, and to guide the researchers in the future theoretical development. Can provide enough evidence for.
Symmetry fragmentation of electromagnetic contact
Under an extremely high temperature, electrocake symmetry causes the breaking electrocoke interaction to appear as a short-round weak force, which is extensively used by gauge bosons. In order to create atoms and other structures, as well as for nuclear reactions in stars like our Sun, this symmetry needs to be broken. Higgs field is responsible for breaking this symmetry.
Particle mass acquisition
Higgs are important in making the mass of the quarks and charging leptons (via Yukawa coupling) and W and Z gauge boson (through the Higgs system).
It is worth noting that the Higgs field does not make anything "mass" (which will violate the law of conservation of energy), nor the Higgs field is responsible for the mass of all particles. For example, the mass of about 99% of barron (mixed particles like protons and neutrons), rather than quantum chromodynamics binding energy, is the sum of arbitrariness of kinetic energy of quark and energy of mass glunes. Strong conversation inside the Barión In Higgs-based theories, the property of "mass" is an expression of possible particles that transfers to the dialogue with the Higgs field ("couple"), in which it was the mass of energy.
Scalar field and extension of standard model
Higgs field is the only scalar (spin 0) field to be detected; All other fields in the Standard Model are spin or fermion or spin 1 boson. According to Rolf-Dieter Heure, CERN, during the discovery of Higgs boson, the existence proof of scalar field is nearly as important as the role of Higgs in determining the mass of other particles. It suggests that other hypothetical theory areas, which are suggested by other theories, may also exist from inflaton to quintence, possibly also.

Nature of the universe, and its possible fates
In the standard model, the existence of this possibility exists that the underlying condition of our universe is known as "vacuum" - is alive for a long time, but completely stable. In this scenario, the universe as we know it can be effectively destroyed by collapsing in a more stable vacuum state. It was sometimes terminating the "universe" incorrectly as a Higgs boson. If the Higgs boson and the mass of the top quark are more precisely known, and the standard model provides accurate details of particle physics to the extreme energies of Planck Scale, then it is possible to calculate whether the vacuum is stable or only long- Use to live. 125 - 127 GeV Higgs seems very close to the boundary for mass stability, but for a certain answer a more accurate measurement of the pole mass of the top quark is required. New physics can change this picture.
If the measurements of Higgs boson shows that our universe is within such a false vacuum, it will mean - more than likely to be in several billions of years - so that the forces of the universe, particles and structures survive in existence Because we know them. (And is replaced by different people), if there is a true vacuum nucleate. It also shows that the Higgs self-coupling λ and its was39 function can be very close to zero on the groc scale, with the "intricate" implication, in which the principles of gravitational and Higgs-based inflation are included. 218 The future of electrons The positron collider will be able to provide accurate measurements of the required top quarks for such calculations.
Vacuum energy and the cosmological constant
According to more estimates, the Higgs area has also been proposed as the vacuum energy, which, due to the extreme energies of the first moments of the Big Bang, became a uniform symmetry of a type of neutral, extremely high energy of the universe. In such speculation, the single integrated area of the Grand Unified Theory is identified (or modeled) as the Higgs area, and it is through the gradual symmetry of the Higgs area or through some similar field, the current In the phase transitions, the known forces and regions of the universe are produced.
The relationship between the Higgs area and vacuum energy density in the present of the universe (if any) has also come under scientific study. As has been seen, the current vacuum energy density is very close to zero, but the energy density expected from the Higgs area, supersymmetry, and other current theories are usually several orders of magnitude. It is not clear how they should be reconciled. This continuous problem with the universe remains another major unanswered problem in physics.
Practical and technical impact
So far, there is no immediate technical advantage of finding Higgs particle. However, a normal pattern for fundamental searches is for practical applications to follow later, and once this quest has been further extended, perhaps it has become the basis of new technologies of importance for the society.
Challenges in particle physics have carried forward the major technological advancement of widespread importance. For example, the World Wide Web began as a project to improve the communications system of CERN. Distributed and also contributed to welding areas due to the requirement of CERN to process large amounts of data produced by the Large Hadron Collider.
Higgs boson (God Particle)
Reviewed by Know It All on January 01, 2019 Rating:

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