Aura(human energy field)
An aura or human energy field, according to the beliefs of the new age, a colorful emission said to surround the human body or any animal or object. In some esoteric terms, Aura has been described as a subtle body. Psychologists and holistic medical practitioners often claim the ability to see the type, shape, and color of a luster.
New Age In alternative medicine, human aura is seen as hidden anatomy which affects the health of a customer and is often thought to include the centers of vital force called the chakra. Such claims are not supported by scientific evidence and are pseudo-science. When tested under controlled experiments, the ability to observe Auras has not been shown in existence.
In Latin and Ancient Greek, the meaning of aura is air, air or breath. It was used for "gentle breeze" in Middle English. By the end of the 19th century, the word was used in some spiritualist circles to describe subtle emissions from speculation around the body.
The concept of Auras was first popularized by Charles Webster Leadbeater, a former priest of the Church of England and a member of the mystical Theosophical Society. Leadbeater studied Theosophy in India, and believed that he had the ability to use his secret powers to conduct scientific investigations. They claimed that they came to know that most men come from Mars, but more advanced men come from the Moon, and that hydrogen atoms are composed of six body shaped eggs. In his book Man Visible and Invisible, published in 1903, Leadbeater depicted man's aura in various stages of his moral development, from "Saints" to Saints. In 1910, Leadbeater introduced the modern concept of Aasas by incorporating the tantric notion of chakras in his book, The Inner Life. But Leadbeater did not present Tantric beliefs in the West only, without accepting the sources of these innovations, they reconstructed and reinterpreted them with their own ideas. Some of the Leadbeater's innovations are described as energy vortices, and each of them is associated with one gland, one limb and other body parts.
In later years, adopted by other theosophists of Rudolf Steiner and Edgar Cass and thought of Leadbeater on the rectangular aura and chakras, but in the escnormal counterculture until the early 1980's, their occult anatomy was of little interest when they picked it up . New Age movement
In 1977, American conservationist Christopher Hills published a book entitled Nuclear Development: The Rainbow Body, in which a modified version of Leadbeater's secret anatomy was presented. While Leadbeater pulled each of the chunks with complex detailed shapes and many colors, the hills presented them as sequences of centers, each being connected with the color of the rainbow. Most of the later New Age writers will base their formulas on the interpretation of the movement of Leadbatter's ideas. In the 1980s and 1990s, the cycles became part of the mainstream esoteric speculation. Many new era techniques which were aimed at eliminating the obstacles of the cycles, were developed during those years, such as Crystal Healing and Abha-Som. By the end of the 1990s, the chakras were less associated with their theosophical and Hinduist origins, and were more influenced by the ideas of the new age. A variety of new age books proposed various links between each of the cycles and colors, personality traits, diseases, Christian rites etc. Within the New Age Movement, various types of holistic therapies claim to use oro reading techniques, such as bioenerogenic analysis, spiritual energy and energy therapy.
Aura photography

In 1939, Shimon Davydovich Kirillian found that by placing part of an object or body directly on photographic paper, and then crossing a high voltage object, he would get the image of the contour brightening around the object. This process is known as Kirillian photography. Some parapsychologists, such as UCLA's Thelma Moss, have proposed that these images reflect the levels of mental powers and bioenergy. However, the study found that the Crimean effect is due to the presence of moisture on the photo-stretching object. The gas around the electric object creates an area of ionization if it is moist, which is the case for living things. This causes an option of the electric charge pattern on the film. After harsh experiments, no mysterious procedure has been discovered in relation to keralian photography.
More recent attempts to capture Auras include Aura Imaging Cameras and Software launched by Cow Cogins in 1992. Cogins claims that his software uses biofeedback data to color the picture of the subject. The technique failed to produce reproducible results.
Tests for Aura
Testing of mental abilities to observe alleged aura emissions are repeatedly met with failure.
In a test, people were kept in a dark room and asked to tell the psychologist how much he could observe. Only chance result was achieved.
Sometimes the recognition of the Auras has been tested on television. A test included an Aura reader in which there was an opaque part on one side of a room which was separating it from many slots, which could have real people or effigies. Abha reader failed to identify those people, which included all the people wrongly.

Scientifically, attempts to prove the existence of Aras are repeatedly met with failure; For example, people are unable to see Paras in full darkness, and Auras has never been used successfully to identify people when their identified characteristics are otherwise unclear in controlled trials. A 1999 study concluded that traditional sensory signs such as heat of irradiated body can be considered incorrect for proof of a spiritual phenomenon.
Scientific explanation for Aura
In a review for Skeptical Inquirer, Bridget Perez wrote that "perceptual distortions, illusions and hallucinations can promote trust ... psychological factors, which include absorption, fantasy clarity, vivid imagination and later images can also be responsible For the event of Aura. "
Studies conducted in laboratory situations have shown that Aura is most often described as a visual illusion. The neurologist argues that people can experience eczema due to the effect within the brain: the effect of psychedelic drugs such as epilepsy, migraine or LSD.
Psychologist Andrew Nehr has written that "There is no good evidence to support the notion that Aus is somehow nuts in the original."
It has been suggested that auras may be the result of synaesthesia. However, in a 2012 study, no connection was found between Auris and Sinsthesia, concluding that "the discrepancies show that both incidents are phenomenal and practically different." Clinical neurologist Steven Nouvela has written, "Looking at the weight of the evidence, it seems that the relationship between Aesos and Sinsthesia is speculative and is based on surface similarity, which are possible combinations."
Other causes may include disorders within the visual system that provokes optical effects.
Aura (human energy field)
Reviewed by Know It All on January 10, 2019 Rating:

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