The Experiments That Ruined Life's
1) The Monster Study:

The Monster Study was an accurate experiment on 22 orphaned children in Davenport, Iowa in 1939. It was organized by Wendell Johnson at the University of Iowa. Graduate student Mary Tudor used under the supervision of Johnson. Half of the children received positive speech therapy, praised the speed of their speech, and the second half, negative speech therapy, weakened the children for speech incompleteness. Many of the normal speaking orphaned children receiving negative medication used negative psychological effects, and some retained the problems of speech for the rest of their life.
This was called "monster study" because some of Johnson's companions were afraid that he would use orphaned children to confirm a hypothesis. During the Second World War, due to human experiments made by Nazis, Johnson's reputation was frightened to frighten the experiment. Since the results of the study were never published in any Peer-Review magazine, Tudor's thesis is the only official record of the details of the experiment.
In 2001, Iowa University apologized publicly for monster studies. However, Patricia Zabrowski, Iowa University's Assistant Professor of Speech Pathology and Audiology noted that the data generated from the experiment is "the largest collection of scientific information", quietly and Johnson's work was the first person to know about Stutter's views, views, beliefs and feelings. Were discussing the importance and were influencing thoughts on too much interruption.
2) The Russian Sleep Experiment:
The story took place on a facility in the Soviet Union in the 1940s. In a military-sanctioned scientific experiment, a group of researchers placed five political prisoners in a sealed gas chamber, where an air force stimulant is constantly administered, in which five subjects are awakened for 30 days with the intention of waking up.
The subjects normally behave during normal days in which the subjects speak to each other and whisper to the researchers. One day, one of the subjects starts shouting uncontrollably, while others prevent researchers from breaking into broken book pages and pastth windows and one-sided mirrors by sticking the stool and looking inside. The researchers pass a few days without being able to look inside, during which the room is completely silent. Researchers use Intercom to test whether the topics are still alive, and get a small response to the subject that complies with the compliance.
On the 15th day, researchers decide to close stimulating inlet and reopen the chamber. By looking inside, it has come to know that four living subjects have severe disruption and dissolution on their own during the last days, including tearing flesh and muscles, removal of internal organs of many stomachs, practice self-cannibalism and four inches Including allowing blood. Water is stored on the floor. The subjects also refuse to leave the chamber and pray to the scientists that continue the administration of the stimulants, kill a soldier and seriously injure someone else to remove them. After finally being removed from the room, all subjects were shown to show a desperate desire to give super-human abilities, and wake and stimulus to survive despite unprecedented strengths, excessive strengths of drugs and sedatives, fatal injuries is. It is also found that anyone who sleeps dies immediately.
After the treatment of their injuries, the surviving three subjects are being prepared to return to the gas chamber with stimulants, EEG monitors show for less recurring moments that all the subjects are brain dead. Before the cell closes, one of the subjects goes to sleep and dies, and a researcher pulls a gun and kills the other. With only one living subject, the researcher asks what it is, on which the subject recognizes inside the human mind as an inherent evil which is kept in check with the work of gold. Researchers also died after killing him soon.
3)The Nazi Human Experimentation:
During World War II and the Holocaust in the mid-1940s, Nazi Germany had a series of medical experiments on a large number of inmates, including children in their concentration camps. The main target population included Jews from Romani, Sinti, ethnic poles, Soviet Pau, inaccessible German, and throughout Europe.
Nazi doctors and their assistants forced the prisoners to participate; They were not voluntary volunteers and no agreement was given for the procedures. Generally, experiments have resulted in death, trauma, deficiency or permanent disability, and thus are considered examples of medical torture.
In Auschwitz and other camps towards Edward Wirths, selected prisoners were subjected to various dangerous experiments designed to assist German military personnel in the war conditions, development of new weapons, military personnel injured To assist in the recovery, and to pursue the Nazi racial ideology. [1] Erbert Hem conducted similar medical experiments in Mouthausen.
After the war, these crimes began to be known as the Doctor's Test, and due to the rebellion of misuse of abuse, the development of the Nuremberg Code of Medical Ethics began. In the testing of doctors, Nazi doctors argued that military necessity has made its annoying experiments justified, and compared its victims to collateral damage by collaborative bomb blasts. But this defense, which in any case was dismissed by the Tribunal, can not be applied to the twin experiments of Joseph Manegele, which was performed on children and had no relation with the military requirement.
Experiments That Ruined Life's
Reviewed by Know It All on October 20, 2018 Rating:
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